How to write your own book



how to write your own book


First think about what sort of book you would like to write, do your research on other books such as children’s, horror Adventures research books. Maybe you would like to write a poem book, or a short story whatever the book is do your research. will help you to develop your book with cover design illustrations see how the other authors right and produce their books.

so you have the idea for a book now you need to write a rough draught  storyline I found it helpful to do a synopsis for this will tell the reader on the back of the book what the book is about. Remember make this exciting as possible for the reader to want to see inside the book. At this stage produce your word document this will become your manuscript  see your free templates.

you will need word installed on your device it’s possible to get a free Word document to install it is part of the Microsoft Office 365 you will need a PowerPoint document for the designs of your book and you will need a PDF reader if you want to print your own book out rather than wait for the publishers also from the PowerPoint document you can print out at your local library or School as long as you remember to use the reverse flip this will print double-sided and flip over after your first page to your last page the PowerPoint template that is provided for your use contains images and and text the images and text can be changed play around with the template and see what you can do  remember if you’re printing an  book from the PowerPoint document which is the best way to print at first look at the template and note that the first page and the second page is not in line this is because it Prince in a diamond pattern the first page and the second page is the last page the second page and the last but one page is the next pages this is Al the book will print remember to print the cover and the back page have one template which is also provided and titled cover

let’s get back to making your own book your story is now typed out on the templates provided call the manuscript this will go to the publishers or go to the Printers and we’ll let the publishers know what is in your book in the words of text the images are sent separately to the publishers sending large images to publishers by email you need a large image sender you can get a large image sender on the internet free you send the images by email and you send the word document the manuscript at the same time the publishers will look over the manuscript and and the illustrations have you sent the the illustrations By Numbers number one refers to the dialog of number one and so on this is how the publishers will see the book for interest a children’s book needs to be

proof read in fact all books need to be proof read on the manuscript to publishers will need to know how many words are contained in the manuscript pages find out and put the amount of words so they do not have to look for them or count them this is done on by word will count the number of pages and the number of words for instance page one 1h 2 and so on look at the manuscript for the Adventures of the magic star and you will see see how to do this choose the name as you are the author if you are also the illustrator or if you have a separate illustrator my example it’s best to buy if you have to your illustrations they will be yours it is important to say on the manuscript that you own the illustrations see

the template Word document manuscript make a copy of this and the PowerPoint document and any more documents that you need like the PDF document then the original documents will stay the same don’t change the original document but after you’ve made a copy of of the documents then you can label it different to the original documents this way you will always have the original document to look at and then you can change the documents that you are created anytime I’m that you you like my opinion is 2 to look before you send the manuscript to see if there is anything that you have missed or wanted to add bring your book out to see how it will look in print at the library or printers you could be able to do this at university or school for free but remember the printer needs to be told you need Colour or or the size of the book the PowerPoint document will enable you you to do the

size the templates size for the magic star is 8.5 by 8.5 I find it is a good idea to choose the size of the book by a book similar size that you require measure the book then out of the size in PowerPoint printing out the first edition is a good idea because then you can see the mistakes and make them right before you send your work to the publishers let’s take JK Rowling’s for an example she didn’t do this all she did is to write the story get it right and then offer it to the publishers the publishers would then decide whether they wanted to produce that particular book remember JK Rowling’s also had books refused the way I suggest is a tried and tested method and works because my books are now available in Amazon Google Box WH Smiths and so on so good luck with your writing and if you need help we are always here to help you you can email me me JD Wills innovation 85 at also you can reach me on Facebook as John Wilson JD Wills is my surname and appears on my books we are here to help 

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