goinvent U






Make and Record  

Christmas Song 
Original  CD and Karaoke Singalong click on the image to 《●●●●play the track 



It comes with original Christmas song karaoke track song card  

Christmas card   
Original  CD Karaoke Singalong 


Inventors! Do you have an invention or product idea,
free information to help you get started!
Stop For Your Inventing. 

Whether you are a first time inventor or some way through
your patent  we can help by saving you not only time also
money  we recommend you follow the links. 

How many times when a new invention appears,
have you heard someone say, “I had the same idea years ago, but
never did anything about it” Well if they never did anything about
it then how can they expect to achieve
anything with their

Being inventors ourselves we
know only to well of the problems that inventors face from
together a patent to marketing their invention

 Our aim is to help you to achieve your dream of
inventing. It could be a
product that you thinkessencecould be a
completely new invention.  


Patent you need for your
idea  is a very costly business  and if your invention does not
quite make it you are pouring money down the drain  95% of
new  inventions never make it to the market place.  A patent could
cost you a
minimum of £7,000

Show You How You Can Get Your Patent With Very Little Cost
Involved With You in Complete Control of Your Invention your Patent will
be the same as if you had employed a patent agent but without the cost.

Now doesn’t  that make
sense  everything you need to put your patent to together is in the pack a Patent is made up of a Description of your Invention
numbered Specifications Drawings Claims and Abstract  which seem very
complex to someone that hasn’t put a patent together before.                                 

We Show you  How you will be able to do it time and time
so  when you have another bright Idea
you will have the pack to produce yet another patent  so isn’t that a
bright Idea to have the pack  we think so and so will you once you
start using it I am sure you will agree so what are you waiting for goinvent

How can I do
that you ask first take a good look at the information and links that take
you to various categories on this site .

The site and pack is
interactive so you can find what you want quickly like templets and info for
your Idea patent. 
How The Pack
Can Help You

Information Request Form


Helping Inventior”s

Phone: 01550814991203
E-mail: goinvent